Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
So repent while the hour of mercy is at hand!
- Message No. 1058 -

Lourdes My child. My Son will elevate all those who are truly faithful and devoted to HIM, who honor HIM and show respect.
Let it be said to the lukewarm children: Your fall will be deep if you do not begin to repent and prepare yourselves for My Son.
To the pagans be said: A light will come to you, and clearly you will see that everything is true. But it will be too late for many, and your fall will also be deep if you do not begin to believe in Jesus and prepare yourselves for eternity!
To the apostates be said: Apostate you have become, although you knew the truth. If you do not repent and beg for forgiveness, your fall will also be deep and cruel. Convert and honor My Son, otherwise He will do nothing more for you!
To the Satanists be said: You will get what you have worked for, because you have earned it. Only be sure, it will not be what you expect, and your awakening will be most agonizing, but you also have the possibility to repent, and by the omnipotence of My Son's mercy you can be saved, if you repent and plead deeply.
But those who love My Son, honor Him and share their lives with Him, to you be said: The gate of heaven will be open to you, the gates to the New Kingdom wide open. You will be uplifted and happy, and the everlasting peace will be with you. The fulfillment that will be given to you will keep you worthy and pure, and the happiness and joys that will be given to you will be incomparable to anything earthly. You will be true children of the Lord, undefiled and without sin, for when the gates to the New Kingdom are opened, you too will be purified and appear in the New Garment. So rejoice, faithful children of My Son, for the Kingdom of Heaven will be yours! Your reward will be great, for you keep alive on earth the faith, the teachings and the love for My Son and Mine.
I love you deeply, My children, and you are very close to My Immaculate Heart. Hold on, because there is not much time left. My Son will come again, and blessed is he who was faithful and devoted to Him. Amen.
My Son is merciful, and HE is just. So return as long as the hour of mercy strikes. Amen.
With deep love, your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Make this known, My child. It is important. Amen.
Source: ➥